Category: Social Sciences
Abstract Blaming Europe’s centralized refugee policy system ultimately proves reductive as it ignores the centrality of this policy system to the refugee rights secured thus far and to the solutions to protecting more...
Abstract In order to understand economic and educational disparities based on race in the United States, we must understand America’s history of housing discrimination. A history of racist policies has led to many...
Abstract The Black Dahlia is one of the most infamous unsolved murders in U.S. history, and has been memorialized in many books, films, documentaries and video games. The purpose of this website is...
Abstract Of all the counter-culture behaviors in the nineteen-sixties, the use of acid was one of the most stigmatized. This article argues that the criminalization of LSD in the sixties was a direct...
Abstract Affirmative action policies have been highly controversial for decades due to their focus on race-conscious admissions. The purpose of this paper is to explore the justification of these policies in terms of...
Abstract Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is one of the most enduring and revered musical works of all time, and it has been appropriated by a multitude of political movements over the years. This article...
Abstract When it comes to witch iconography, most people will agree that this figure is inherited from European superstition during the early modern period. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the...
Abstract Art expresses ideas that are sometimes too complex to set into words. Murals are one form of art that activists often use to evoke emotion, promote a cause, and bring awareness to...
Abstract As the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us into these unprecedented times, The U.S. Department of Education under the Trump Administration has rolled back the rights of student survivors of gender-based harassment. The...